

There is a funny little racist rant here: Literacy Tests for White Voters

It is not easy to change the trajectory of a society simply by granting equal rights to historically oppressed minority groups. There must be compensatory measures.

Who would be compensated? If everyone is to be on an equal playing field, how can certain races be given preferencial treatment? By the way, this speaks to the issue of Affirmative Action in the U.S. What are you telling minorities when you tell them that they can have lower test scores than others for getting into colleges? You are telling them that they are not as smart, not as good.

And while black voters and politicians have helped to bring sanity and a sense of social justice to American society, white voters have remained numerous enough to consistently jeopardize and often disgrace the nation.

That statement is iteself a very racist statement. "White voters" have remained numerous enough to... this says that as a group white voters have some stereotypical quality that makes them all the same. And they have consistently jeopardized and often disgraced the nation? How has this strange race, these white people, jeopardized and disgraced the nation? These strange white people couldn't possibly be related to the white people who founded this nation and set its design, could they? And they couldn't be related to the white people who decided this nation would be a melting pot of all people?

And while black voters and politicians have helped to bring sanity and a sense of social justice to American society...

Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell are truly great Americans. Let's look at some other black leaders:

Al Sharpton's finances target of federal probe

Jesse Jackson admits love child

Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA) Indicted on Fraud, Bribery Counts

Rev Jeremiah Wright lands Barack Obama in trouble again

D.C. Mayor Marion Barry Arrested on Cocaine Charges in Undercover FBI, Police Operation

I do think that literacy tests are a good idea. Maybe they should include some questions from this or this, or maybe even this.

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